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Vaikom Muhammad Basheer’s masterwork of “Balyakala sakhi”
Author Outline
The South Indian language, Malayalam, has produced many distinguished authors. However, the most noble writer is Vaikom Muhammad Basheer, who has significantly influenced Indian literature.
Novel: Balyakala sakhi / Paalyakala Saki (பால்யகால சகி)
Author: Vaikom Muhammad Basheer
Tamil Trans Creator: Kulachal M. Yusuf
“Balyakala sakhi” compellingly depicts the profound journey of children growing up together in a neighborhood during the 1940s. Basheer masterfully delves into the complex emotions of young Majeed as he confronts his thoughts on life and relationships stemming from his privileged background in Kerala. His immediate neighbor, Suhra, is a charming and perceptive young girl from a striving household. Basheer establishes the mango tree as a vital symbol of childhood sweetness. He astutely noted Majeed’s learning challenge, asserting, “One plus one is a big one.” Despite the teasing from others, including Suhra, his insight remained undeniable. Suhra helped Majeed and elevated his grading on a short note. Suhra becomes a Princess of Majeed’s world and future dreams. Basheer’s crafts reflected emotional journeys and the transition from childhood to adulthood, highlighting cultural and financial challenges. This is evident as the high school requires travel to nearby towns and substantial financial support, which illustrates the limitations of the Indian education system in the 1940s. Majeed thoughtfully discussed with his parents how they could support Suhra’s education and understand her challenges without her father. Together, they aimed to ensure she still had the opportunities she deserved. Driven by her thirst for knowledge, Suhra eventually learned from Majeed through his books and classroom expertise. Basheer transformed friendship into love travel with a dramatic and affectionate narration.
Majeed’s self-exploration Travel and World Exploration journey revealed to him that all humans and humanity across towns, cities, and villages look similar, with only changes in faces and landscapes with unlimited love and affection. A decade away from home without any mail or contacts, one fine day, his deep-rooted memory ran the thought about his Suhra and others. In-home and Suhra’s life changed physically and mentally. This story, written nearly 70 years ago, highlights issues of dowries and spousal abuse that still demand our attention today. Despite technological advancements, these significant problems persist in India, and the hope for resolutions remains a dream. I highly recommend that everyone read the rest of the section because Basheer manipulated everyone to cope with high emotions while remaining optimistic about the future, even in the worst situation for Majeed.
Inspiration from Basheer: “Life is not easy, but it is beautiful.”
Books Read by Prakasam

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